Zendar Read online


  A Tale of Blood and Sand

  K.T. Munson

  First edition printed December 2014.

  ISBN 9781503279377

  Copyright © K.T. Munson 2014

  The right of K.T. Munson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the writer. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  Cover art by Maheen Sena

  Edited in part by Caitlin M. Hawthorne and Lisa Patterson.


  To every person looking for love in their life.

  To my illustrator who has become an unexpected friend.

  To my family and friends with their resolute support.

  To the man who taught me about love.

  To my always wonderful editor.

  Happy reading.

  Chapter 1


  Blood is how it all began, and only by blood can it end. The dying planet of Zendar began to lose its oceans, seas, and rivers. The land, once covered nearly entirely by water, began to lose its oceans and rivers. Only sand and sun was left behind.

  Wars began to break out over the control of water and lives were lost in the pursuit of greatness. In the most desperate times, the best of men were assembled and sent forth to find the cause of the world’s decline. Nearly fifty men left to find and potentially solve the problem with the planet over millennia ago. They did not find what they had gone for but they found something else entirely. The seven men that returned came to be known as the Bloodline.

  They returned with a variety of powers; some were strong and useful, while others would manifest themselves with strange abilities. Six of those great men became powerful rulers and led their people out of the darkness and into the light. For a time, Zendar prospered.

  Do not forget, there were seven men that returned from the travels to the end of the world. The last returned with no known power and was cast out as weak and useless, as Zendar had not blessed him like the rest. A good man died that day and what remained was one who festered in his hatred and plotted against the peace of the six cities.

  Slowly, he turned one against the other. He used a variety of tactics such as greed or retaliation of an act committed by himself or another and he always blamed on one of the six Bloodlines. It was not until later, after his life had surpassed that of his past companions that he knew what his gift had been; he was undying. He lived to be nearly four hundred years old and hardly aged a day from the moment he had returned.

  It was on his two hundredth birthday that he began a campaign against the other six cities. They were already fighting amongst themselves and this folly had left them vulnerable. Zendarians were long-lived and aged very slowly. Most did not have graying hair until well after a century of life. It was theorized that if he had not been killed in battle, the seventh man would have continued to live on through eternity forever while appearing to be the age of twenty.

  The seventh man was known as Haden. Before his death in 4048, he had enjoyed a life of stolen power and captured brides, as was customary for a conquering enemy. He had 14 legitimate children throughout his life, taking his last bride when he was three hundred and nine. He also had a string of illegitimate children although very few of them survived to adulthood, because most were killed by the descendants of the other six men.

  Not all children of the Bloodline display variations of the powers of the original seven, but most had some level of power. After years of war and the death and ruin of many of the cities, most of the Bloodlines had reunited in order to avoid extinction. Daughters were traded to powerful men who could keep their children and wives safe from those wishing to destroy the Bloodline.

  Of the six ruling families, only three remained in true power, while two others maintained the safety of the Bloodline in small provinces. Azel, the youngest daughter of the Kaheron family, had inherited the rare gift to bend the flesh of living things to her will from the lost family of Vandi. She had been promised to the advisor of the Liege of the great city of Momby. Her father ruled Undel by his immense strength and was a true child of the Kaheron Bloodline. Her mother had been blessed with the ability to walk on air, a gift from her Lin ancestors.

  The Liege Kavil of Momby was the descendant of Byden, and defended his home with a powerful ability to control the sands. Another highly advanced city was Imoten, who was named for his ancestor. The Liege was impermeable and no weapon would penetrate his impossibly hard skin. Momby, Imoten, and Undel were united in the front against the Liege, who descended from seventh man.

  The Liege Aleron, offspring of Haden Corvinus the Conqueror, alone remains the ruler of the entire empire that his ancestors reclaimed. Ruthless and driven by a want he cannot fill, Aleron longs only to reclaim what his ancestors had been denied many moons ago. Whatever he desires he takes from those that oppose him and his resolute wish is to conquer the whole of the planet. He will not rest until Zendar is united by his rule.

  The last of the Julius Bloodline had long since vanished, their line having died out and their blood so far diluted that the ability to shift form had fallen only to a chosen few. They hid in the shadows and were known as the Guardians - only a few that descended from all seven Bloodlines were able to see them for what they were.

  One house of the seven had gone into hiding, and two more were reduced to a pitiful state. Three held the power firmly in hand, and the seventh yearned to ruin them all.


  House Byden, City of Momby

  Control of the Sands

  House Corvinus, City of Sol and City of Nova

  Eternal Youth

  House Imoten, City of Imoten

  Impenetrable Skin

  House Julius, lost City of Hasheen

  Shape Shifters

  House Kaheron, City of Undel

  Immense Strength

  House Lin, City of Quen

  Create Water, Walk on Air

  House Vandi, lost City of Vera

  Bend Blood

  Chapter 2

  “To Momby”

  Azel listened to her mother humming behind her as her skilled fingers braided her hair, as was customary for a bride about to be married to her betrothed. Her sisters were part of the tradition as well, painting the circles on her skin that would bind her to her future husband. They would also paint the virgin’s mark upon her head, which her husband would wipe clean when they consummated the marriage for three days. Azel’s eyes turned downcast at the thought; she had been free for so long that if it were not the duty as the youngest of her household to leave, she would never do so.

  Being the Liege’s daughter made her a princess by birth and she would be the last of her sisters to marry. Unlike them, however, she would be going far from her home to fulfill her duty. In such an isolated community she felt nothing like a princess, not like those living within the two largest providences. She had grown up like any other girl of the village, trained for marriage and child rearing. Unlike her peers, however, she would be forced to leave.

  She tightened her jaw and smiled down at her sisters as they knelt around her focusing on the circles they were making on her arms, legs, and feet. It was hard to remain unmoved when she must leave all she knew behind. She would miss her dearest sisters terribly and regretted that she would miss her nieces growing up. One sister was expecting her first child and the other already had three
children. Her twin brother, Titus, would be escorting her to her betrothed, acting as a go-between for her aging father.

  She smiled at the thought of her brother, weak and slightly skinny, acting in her powerful father’s stead. Though born seconds apart, they were nothing alike, and he was much weaker. It was almost laughable that he should stand in. The Bloodlines had not seen fit to grant him an ability, which happened from time to time to the family’s ire. Unlike her siblings, she was unique, since her power descended from a dying Bloodline that could manipulate flesh and bend them to her will.

  Her oldest sister, Zena, was able to create and then pull the moisture from the air; in essence, she could create water from nothing. In their home, surrounded on all sides by sand, it was the reason she had been married to the richest man in the area. Their three children were too young to display their powers but Azel imagined her daughters would become as lovely and powerful as their mother.

  She turned her eyes on her sister Omba, whose slightly larger figure hid the child growing within her. She was much like their large-boned father. Her face was not quite as lovely as Zena’s but she was able to weakly manipulate the wind. She had married the captain of the guard, and though Azel knew that Omba was not very happy, she was comfortable. He would not allow the fate that befell his sisters to befall his daughters as well.

  Azel wondered if she would be more like her sister Zena or Omba. Would she be happy in her marriage or hardly tolerate it? Though the women of her Bloodline were powerful, they were also vulnerable. They lacked any true physical strength and were constantly being stolen. That was exactly why her father had married her sisters to rich and powerful men within the safety of the city walls.

  Had it not been for the extraordinary price paid for her hand, Azel imagined that she would have become much like her sisters. One of their airships would be taking her to the advisor of a city that was well known as a trading hub. Her father had given her picture to a man who had expressed an interest in her, who had passed it to the advisor himself.

  Apparently he found her very attractive, and desired to have her as his wife. Only when he learned of her status as a princess and her descent from the Bloodline did he pay the exorbitant amount for her hand. It would pay for her people’s food and livelihood for years to come.

  Zena, the one with the better artistic ability, came to her forehead and began to give her the virgin marking as Omba and her mother began talking about Omba’s child-to-be, and the possible gender. Azel had the ability to manipulate the flesh of all living things but she had not made a habit of sharing the strength of her ability. She could both heal and destroy, but she knew that her sister carried a young girl within her womb.

  Omba wished only for a male, so that her husband had someone in which to teach. Once she knew she was without a male heir, Omba would have to lie with her husband again. She brought her eyes up to look at Zena as her face scrunched up in concentration, but even Azel could recognize the happiness just under the surface of her face. She loved the man she had been arranged with. He made her happy and she was content with that knowledge.

  “Done,” Zena said, leaning over to kiss her on both cheeks. “Mama, the final veil is needed.”

  “Here,” her mother said, with a smile, coming forward to place the long veil with beads along the edge. “Newly stitched and engraved with good fortune.”

  “I am blessed,” Azel responded as they placed the veil around her head and let it fall heavy with jewels and beads.

  “Your father has given me leave to come with you, since your sisters are unable to leave their husbands,” her mother said. “You are my last and I cannot let you face this strange land alone.”

  Azel reached her hand out and took her mother’s hand in her own, “I fear less with you beside me.”

  There came a knock on the door and Azel stiffened as her mother allowed them entry. A messenger came through the door after the guard posted outside opened it. He bowed to them and addressed them as ‘your majesties’.

  “What message do you bring?” Her mother asked. Her face had been softened into a loving mother while preparing Azel, but now her expression was back to the stoic Queen of Undel.

  “The airship that is to take Princess Azel has arrived,” he informed them. He was out of breath and sweat stains dampened the top of his shoulders, although his clothing was already lighter to anticipate the heat of summer.

  Azel rose gracefully, her face set. “I am ready.”

  Her mother turned and walked with her. Azel was determined not to turn back, for fear if she saw the worried faces of her sisters she would not be able to remain calm. She did not know what her betrothed would be like and they had every right to worry but she didn’t need their expressions to remind her. They walked down one of the great halls of the sun palace by the royal chambers, closest to the loading area for the private airships. The royal family’s personal bodyguards stood nearby, and bowed as they walked past.

  The hanging beads and metal circlets that were sewn into her dress made a light tinkling sound as she walked. The red layers of her wedding dress were light and were drawn backward with every step she took. The large earrings chimed as a breeze brushed against her; they did so again and louder as she drew closer to the open airship loading area. The light wind off of the sand pressed into the face of the plateau where the entire city of Undel rested.

  She walked out to the loading area, where her father and brother were waiting for them in front of the airship. Her father was a serious man and held the power he had with a firm fist, but he loved his children and relied on the ability of his queen. He bent and kissed her upon her left cheek when she approached him, “My lovely daughter.”

  “I will do you proud Papa,” she said. Her smile wasn’t genuine but it had the desired effect, “Take care of our people.”

  “Be blessed my child.” He said as her brother fell into step beside her.

  They walked up the loading area of the metal ship; the great turbines powered by the sun’s overpowering glare began to spin. The ship’s many wings were covered with solar panels that were able to circle round and round before lifting the great weight of the ship from the ground. The loading area closed behind them as they entered the main area of the ship where the captain’s and guests’ quarters were held. Stairs lead down led to the storage and crew’s quarters, while another set of stairs lead up to the top of the ship’s deck.

  She glanced through the captain’s open door. It was empty and she could see the entire layout of her home through the massive window at the back. Azel continued to stare as her family spoke about where her mother and brother would settle. As the ship began to turn and lift off the ground, she realized it might be the last time she was ever able to look upon her home. She glanced over as it fell out of sight.

  Azel turned to the stairs and walked up them, not pausing when she heard her mother call her name. She walked straight over to the large windows that looked out every which way in order to see Undel. Her mother came up silently beside her and they watched together as their home slowly faded away into the horizon.

  In a day she would meet her betrothed upon the Alter of Binding, and she would never hope to see her beloved home again. She glanced at her mother, who had come from a neighboring city in order to marry the Liege of Undel. Did she stand upon her airship and look out upon her own city, never to gaze upon it again?

  Her mother caught her eye. “You are the most powerful of my children, and though your father would not admit it, you are his favorite,” she said seriously. “I know you love your home, Azel, but with your lovely face and the power over every living being, you were always meant for greater things.”

  “I have hardly used this gift,” Azel responded with a sigh. Her heart felt heavy. “Only to heal. What if they wish me to use it for something far worse?”

  “They are a peaceful family. You do not need to worry about being used improperly,” her mother reassured her. “If it does come to suc
h terms, write to your father. He will not stand for the misuse of you.”

  “I am blessed,” Azel said, lowering her head and eyes, “I will do well to remember your words.”

  Her mother placed her hands on Azel’s shoulders and gently turned her away from the sea of sand. “Let us go,” she said. “You should not be seen before your wedding day. You are too strong a temptation.”

  Chapter 3


  The night came with the two moons, the Runner and the Walker, which streaked the sky. The many stars could be seen through the row of windows directly to her left. Azel’s eyes dipped closed as she fell back asleep to the humming motors of the turning turbines. The night seemed serene and she knew her journey was more than half over.

  The ship suddenly rocked and someone gave a cry, startling Azel awake. She heard the firing of the large guns that were used mostly by sky privateers an instant before the splintering of wood. She turned over and shook her mother, calling to her desperately.

  Her mother’s eyes slowly opened. “What is it?”

  “I think we are under attack.” Azel said just as a new chorus of guns sounded.

  She covered her ears as large metal balls were fired into the side of the airship. Her mother was instantly to her feet. It seemed as if she was able to walk on air; she could even take them from the ship if need be. Her mother was hastily dressing as Azel was slipping her feet into slippers that matched the dress she was wearing. They could hear the crew shouting overhead and loading the two missile launchers on the side of the ship.

  “Come, my darling,” her mother said as she walked toward the door with Azel two steps behind her.

  A man, who was not from the crew, turned and sliced across her mother’s chest an instant after her mother opened the door. Azel could hear someone screaming, and it took her a moment to realize it was her. Her mother crumpled to the ground, but she turned herself onto her stomach and tried to pull herself towards Azel as the young girl dropped to her knees.